salam dan hello.
ketemu kita lagi di sni..agak lewat meng-update blog saye..walopon agak kurang kuantiti pembacanya. haha..xpelah. i love doing it anyway.
i didn't attend the lecture class last Friday. Why? coz sgt malas dan tak faham ape yg di ajarkan. lgpon kelas tu ramai, xde la obvious sgt kan. heee :p -tp ade savior selamatkan attendance saye. tq cik Hanis~ (nnt sok lusa ley blanje okie) punye la prof buat surprise, kena submit asgment (Kaedah Penyelidikan) yg x abes2 lg buat Jumaat ni. wuhuuu~ amat la terseksa, tp last minute, prof canceled. rupanya.....salah tarikh. Tq Allah, ada lagi masa nak siapkan n produce at least kerja yg xkelam kabut.
tak seindah yang kusangka..pada awalnya..sbb agak challenging jd part time student ni atas sebab2 berikut;
i) komitmen bekerja -cikgu kt skolah
ii) byk sgt keja skolah tak siap2
iii) tak pandai nak manage time utk carik bahan & siapkan asgment
Mase full time student dulu, lain situasinya..sebab mmg itula tggjwab kite kan. Byk masa smpai sempat kuar tgk movie bagai..haha~ tp now..rase mcm xcukup je 24jam/1 hari. rase nak lebih..rase xnak tido, tp tido gak..kesimpulannye, mmg kena fokus uruskan masa/kerja. yg pasti, semester depan, mungkin ambil 1 subjek je. xlarat dah nk buat byk2. biar la lmbt grad, tp keja dpt siap. =)
Sempat jumpe kekaseh hati jap~ ^__^ hari plg bagus & seronok sbb jalan jeeee smpai saket kaki.. dr, g lowyat,timesquare,pavilion. naseb xujan. hehehe thanks for spending ur time with me. hoping for better quality time with you.
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punyala susah nk amek gmbar..haha :p |
I've learned not to ask too many questions -which xbrape nk penting sgt- haha..maafkanlah pempuan suka byk tanye. So, da faham bila suka tnye ni, mesti rase err..rimas sket2 ye. sowi hehehe
I've learned not to think too much about any of your weaknesses..coz for me, dat shouldn't be an issue, coz u've tried and always do your best.
I've learned not to think too much of what's going to happen in future coz I know u've thought about it...-it's just you decide to keep it to yourself.
I've learned that everything that I do is based on the commitment that i can give to you and hoping for the same thing from you.
Sorry, ter-jiwang pulak. ^__^
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ter-jiwang ye
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